My name is Stuart Lane, and I have been the executive director of MFAP for some 35 years. We are a nonprofit community-based AIDS Services Organization (ASO). Over the years we have added housing, substance abuse harm reduction, HIV and overdose prevention. Through strong relationships and hard-working staff, we have become well respected in the community. Providers and clients look to us for guidance and leadership. We assist people with disabilities and limited income by subsidizing a portion of their fees. Addressing Stigmatized populations is at the core of our mission. MFAP funding comes from: grants, our 340 B Pharmacy program, fundraising events and many private donors. We work with and collaborate with all providers in Fairfield County including shelters, medical providers, housing providers, behavioral healthcare providers, AIDS Service Organizations, food providers, transportation and many more.
HIV/AIDS is no longer at the forefront of most people’s minds. Americans think HIV/AIDS is a thing of the past. However, there are 30,000 new infections in the United States every year. While we continue to receive some funding, it is greatly reduced. Our community relies on the funding that pays for and brings us these crucial services.
Our substance abuse harm reduction program is very important. It consists of STI testing, needle exchange, Narcan distribution and SA Tx referrals. Due to the huge increase in opiate overdoses over the past five to ten years we prioritize overdose prevention along with HIV prevention.
Housing remains the greatest need for people that are marginalized and disenfranchised. MFAP subsidizes forty apartments with funding from HUD and our 340 B pharmacy program. We have a group home for ten people who were homeless and disabled. The goal here is to equipe the people with the skills and knowledge to reenter society in their own housing. MFAP staff work with their clients to apply for and successfully locate a subsidy program that will enable them to have housing of their own. The rents in our area are prohibitive and our clients do not have the income needed to afford a home of their own. The number of clients that succeed in this run at 80% with very few returning to homelessness. Over ten years Moore Place has proven to be a very successful program model. For this reason, we are adding twelve more units to the program by purchasing the property next door. The Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH) expects to fund this program.
Over the past thirty-five years MFAP has grown and changed as dictated by society and the needs that it demonstrates. We started in 1989 with one staff person and ten clients. Today we have twelve staff, with over three hundred clients and many programs and services.
MFAP will continue to provide Health, Housing, Hope and a leg up to those that cannot make it on their own.
Stuart Lane
Executive Director MFAP
To act as a direct and indirect service provider and advocate for all those affected by HIV/AIDS and other co-morbidities; to create lasting solutions to prevent the spread of HIV/HCV, recurring homelessness and addiction through education, prevention programs, collaborations and housing initiatives.
Executive Director Stuart Lane 203-855-9535 slane@mfap.com Financial Officer Andrew Lane 203-855-9535 alane@mfap.com Housing Program Manager/ MCM Rosie Rodriguez 203-855-9535 ext 102 rrodriguez@mfap.com HIV Program Manager/MCM Mike Little 203-855-9535 ext 103 mlittle@mfap.com Moore Place Director/ MCM Desmond Cordovez 203-855-9535 ext 104 dcordovez@mfap.com Prevention/ PSH Case Manager 203-855-9535 ext 107 ebenedetto@mfap.com Marketing and Development Michael Giannotti 203-581-1842 giannottimichael@att.net Moore Place Resident Manager Juan Cintron 203-354-3984 jcintron@mfap.com Moore Place Resident Manager Renee Watson 203-354-3984 rwatson@mfap.com
Mid Fairfield AIDS Project
618 West Avenue Norwalk, CT 06850
203-855-9535 (Office) - 203-642-3920 (Fax)